Go Roam.
Go Roam is one of Three’s key propositions, allowing customers to use their phones while travelling abroad and not pay any extra.
The concept
At the beginning of 2020 Three’s Marketing team wanted to update its Go Roam travel proposition.
The aim, to not only update its branding with a clearer messaging but also tackle some of the common problems encountered by their customers.
Visually I wanted to emphasise clearly the idea of travelling and especially travelling to different places at once. Three’s customer love to travel and many travel to several destinations in a single trip.
I wanted to reflect that by stitching different photography together from different locals to make it appear that those locals are in fact closer, from desert to mountains, forest to beaches.
This style lended itself very well to the parallax scroll technique and felt this would really help make the pages and proposition come alive for customer.
The website
I wanted the home page for Go Roam not only to sell the proposition but also inform customers and potential customers of the savings they can make, but also some of its restrictions, In the past a lack of clarity around certain aspects of the pricing have lead customer to complain and we wanted to reduce those by being open and upfront with customers.
I also saw some problematic issues and had the opportunity to feed in to the business:
Data passport
Data passport is an additional purchase for customers who use a lot of data to make savings, however the business rules were both unclear and not very customer focused. I discovered many customer complaints about being over charged or seemingly mis-charged.
In fact what was happening was customers where not exposed to all the info which either didnt exist or was hidden. A data passport only lasted 1 real day UK time. If a customer is in a different time zone their perception of how long they get could be wrong and they are unaware of when the passport runs out.
My recommendation was to either make the data passport last 24 hours from when it was activated, that way it wouldn’t matter where the customer was located around the world and the messaging can be much simpler. Or at the least Three should more clearly explain that the data passport works on UK time so that users are better informed about making a purchase.
Fair usage
I also found that the fair usage policy was confusing customers and increasing complaints and calls. Unlimited data customers were most affected as they believed that when abroad they could still use unlimited data, but this was not true, data usage abroad is capped, so some customers were receiving very large unexpected bills.
Due to Covid-19 and the restrictions on travel this year the work was parked mid progress, and will be picked up at a later date.